Google Drive API samples

This section provides samples for Google Drive API.

For introductory videos about Drive API, see the Drive API video library.

Google hosts the following samples on GitHub. You can fork these repositories and use the code as a reference for your own projects.

Google Picker

The Google Picker code sample shows how to use an image selector or upload page that users can open from a button in a web app.

To view or download the source, visit Google Picker on the GitHub repository.

Open and save files with Quickeditors

This Quickeditors code sample shows how to open and save files with the Drive API.

Each of the Drive platform-specific examples reflects a single sample app: a text editor, called a Quickeditor, capable of editing Drive files with the MIME type text/*. The web version implements two fundamental Drive use cases:

The flow for both use cases is similar. Drive redirects a user to the app after the user selects it from the create menu or the context menu of a file with a registered MIME type.

To view or download the source, visit Drive Quickeditors on the GitHub repository.